When we have been wronged, it seems like such a natural response within us to feel the need to rise up and attempt to avenge ourselves. In fact, driven by our pride, it can be incredibly difficult to resist this urge to set things right by force.
It's actually kind of funny to me as I am thinking about this topic to recall all the times that I resorted to setting things right by force as a little kid. My brother Sam and I sure did fight like cats and dogs at times! I know we are not unlike many other pairs of siblings. However, I do think it's interesting to see how even from a young age, many of us feel the need to fight all of our battles and set everything right.
In The Book of Mormon, we read of the Nephites who just prior to Christ's coming are forced to deal with a group of dissenters who are trying to usurp power over them. These dissenters are robbers who raid the Nephites and subsist off of the labor of the Nephites. After a while of their plundering, the robber leader Giddianhi invites the Nephites to surrender or battle. The Nephites choose not to surrender and ask their leader if they can go up to battle against the robbers--they want to avenge their wrongs!
However, their leader's response surprises them as "Gidgiddoni saith unto them: The Lord forbid; for if we should go up against them the Lord would deliver us into their hands; therefore we will prepare ourselves in the center of our lands, and we will gather all our armies together, and we will not go against them, but we will wait till they shall come against us; therefore as the Lord liveth, if we do this he will deliver them into our hands" (3 Nephi 3:21).
I think his counsel is incredibly instructive. Rather than respond rashly, the Nephites gathered themselves and remember the Lord. When we are angry, how wise would we be to take a minute to gather ourselves and remember the Lord. I know that learning to curve our tongues can be a hard thing especially when it seems so natural to lash back when we are wronged, but I know this counsel can help us improve! The Lord would have us succeed. I want to do my best to stop and remember Him when I am struggling with this or any other weakness!
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