Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I Have Weak Arms Anyway...

For anyone who has seen me in person, they know I am perhaps in contention for "Least Likely to Appear on the Cover of 'Men's Fitness'." It's not because I am not in shape but rather because my physique probably realistically will never inspire anyone to work out... well besides possibly myself.

As I have been dealing with certain decisions in my life recently, it occurred to me while I may not have an issue of overconfidence in my physical prowess, perhaps I do have an issue of overconfidence when it comes to my ability to make good life decisions. The interesting part about my life is that I have long decided that I want it to be a life led and guided by God. However, as of late, I have become adept at telling Him I would like His help but then trying to make my decisions without consulting Him.

As I was reading from 2 Nephi 4 within the Book of Mormon I came across verses 34 and 35. Verse 34 reads, "O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." This verse struck me powerfully as I embarrassingly recollected my pitiful efforts to allow God to lead my life in the last little while.

I have felt just as confused as I have felt prideful recently about my decisions, and this verse was a powerful reminder that I really should consult Him who is not only in control of my life but of all those with whom I am or will be interacting with. He stands unparalleled in His ability to assist me in making the ultimate best decisions for my life as He sees the whole picture, and I realized that I should live this belief--not just espouse it.

The Prophet Nephi (who wrote these lines) then stated his resolve to trust in the Lord only and finishes his commitment by saying, "Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God." Life is full of tough and important decisions. I am grateful, though, that direction does exist that comes with the guarantee of it being in accordance with the will of Him who governs all. I know it is a natural thing to want to be independent and become even more so as we age. However, I also know that just as He always has, God always will know best and we are certain to become our best selfs as we consult Him in our decisions and choices.

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