Thursday, February 23, 2017

Fix You

For anyone who knows me, they know that I am probably a little bit too much of a fan of Coldplay. I think they do a great job making music that comes from the soul. I think this may be why their songs are able to connect with me and so many others. One such song is "Fix You." After laying out the struggle of trying "your best but you don't succeed," Coldplay writes "lights will guide you home...and I will try to fix you."

In Alma 8, we read the account of Alma who has given up his political office to go around the land proclaiming repentance full-time. He visits a few towns and has success before being shut down completely by the people of Ammonihah. In response Alma begins to leave but the scriptures read "it came to pass that while he was journeying thither, being weighed down with sorrow, wading through much tribulation and anguish of came to pass that while Alma was thus weighed down with sorrow, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him" (Alma 8:14).

The angel would tell Alma to return to Ammonihah one more time and after obeying, Alma has moderate success in his endeavors. However, I think this scripture is meaningful for me because it is something that I feel as though I can relate to very much. There have been times where I have been giving everything I have got to do what is right and have felt incredibly dejected and almost alone when faced with disappointment. I think that during these times I have found myself deeply sorrowful and have even caught myself wondering why God would allow me to pass through failure when I have been trying so hard to do everything right.

I think the answer for me and for anyone who has felt or is feeling like this is hope--hope that a light will guide you home. For Alma, an angel came to him and comforted him. For me, it has been my angel family members, friends, or sometimes the Lord Himself through prayer who have helped guide me home. The real principle is this, love is not as allusive as it may feel at times.

When Alma needed comfort most, he did receive it and so can we. I know it can be awfully discouraging at times to feel like you are doing everything right only to be rewarded with a less than desirable outcome, but it is in these moments that we can learn to rely on others. The other principle I think may be less evident from Alma's story is that hardships help make us into God would have us become. I know trials are hard, but I do know that as we look for help, we will find it. I also know that if we persevere, God can "fix" us into who He knows we can become! So next time you are really struggling after giving your all, look up and try to see what God is making of you.

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